First Base Recliner First Base Recliner

Was $918.39 Now $417.45 or $18.93 per week
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This recliner tees you up to catch up on streaming or enjoy the latest game without breaking the bank. Its easy reclining motion and inviting stitched details craft a stylish seat that keeps you utterly at ease. And with a versatile neutral faux leather, this recliner knocks contemporary comfort out of the park.

37" W x 40" D x 41" H
This recliner tees you up to catch up on streaming or enjoy the latest game without breaking the bank. Its easy reclining motion and inviting stitched details craft a stylish seat that keeps you utterly at ease. And with a versatile neutral faux leather, this recliner knocks contemporary comfort out of the park.

37" W x 40" D x 41" H

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